Naturally occurring radionuclides – when and why its presence is considered in terms of radiation protection the two weeks training course organized by: Silesian Centre for Environmental Radioactivity together with Competence Development Centre of the GIG Research Institute.
Place and date of training: Katowice (Poland), 28th March to 8th April 2022 – on-line.
What the course is about?
Actually, a considerable body of facts on various types of NORM (including radon issues), exposure scenarios, methods for NORM residues disposal, reprocessing or recycling and even on possible interaction with ecosystems were gathered to date. However, there is not the complete set of concepts, terms, instantiations, and activities that make up a professional domain generally agreed as both essential and generally known. Despite all the EU states being under the umbrella of European Directive 2013/59/Euratom (EU BSSD), information and/or data on NORM is often ill-considered, incomparable and even wrongheaded. This results in that from radiation protection (RP) perspective, both at regulatory/communication level as well as at industrial operational one there is a certain degree of heterogeneity in the strategies and developed approaches applied to handle either NORM directly, or only related information.
The collection and analysis of NORM general and specific information and experiences in a uniform way across Europe may be of benefit for all actors involved in the management of NORM. An attempt to capture existing differences in approaches at various regulative and operational levels as well as scientific advances in understanding interactions of NORM with the environment under a common appellation is highly appreciated. Moreover, activities affected by natural radioactivity cover broad industrial sectors and often target group of stakeholders has no appropriate background knowledge in radiation protection, therefore application of radiation protection principles as justification, optimization, and dose evaluation needs well defined terms and quantities as well as justified scientific guidance for communication.
The training course provides information about NORM issues in coherent way, starting with general aspects and definitions applicable, exposure management strategies, case studies and finishing with details concerning applicable monitoring methods and measurement results interpretation. Recent outcomes of RadoNorm project are used.
For whom?
The expected target group are PhD students, researchers with different background involved in NORM and radon investigations, authorities’ representatives, and practitioners from industries of concern. The group of max 16 trainees assure full interaction with lecturers, effective execution of exercises planned and reasonable time for individual/group works results presentation, discussion and final evaluation. The background in nuclear physics, ionising radiation and radiation protection is expected, however not necessary.
The programme
The proposed training course program covers basic information about NORM, including sources and processes leading to natural radionuclides accumulation, the identification of cases of concern (by industry type as well as by technological processes applied), the inconclusiveness of existing regulation, and the interaction of NORM with other pollutants frequently present simultaneously. The latest outcomes of RadoNorm WP 2.5 (Methodology for a systematic and comparable information collection on NORM exposure sites across Europe – under final development) will be used. Key processes controlling the behaviour of naturally occurring radionuclides in different ecosystems are outlined, including basic concepts, variables/parameters and kinetics needed for proper evaluation of existing exposure situation. The overview of measurement/monitoring methods is included with the special attention payed to features and difficulties specific to measurement of natural radionuclides subject to successive decay. Practical exercises based of existing exposure situation are included in the course programme as well as individual works on course specific topics to facilitate further use of theoretical knowledge gathered in practice.
Additional expectation towards the training course is to collect a feedback from trainees to improve RadoNorm relevant deliverables. legal context and the inconclusiveness of existing regulation.
How the classes will be held
The programme combines lectures and practical exercises based on investigation and solutions applied in existing situations, including NORM observatory site at Upper Silesian Coal basin as well as individual/group works on course specific topics, multiple choice test and quizzes to facilitate use of theoretical knowledge gathered in future practice.
The training course lasts 2 weeks, consists of 60 hours in total, lectures 35 and exercises/tutorship 25 hours.
Classes will be conducted on-line. Each qualified participant will receive instructions on how to join the classes and to get access to the training course supporting material.
Important information
- Course participation is free of charge for participants.
- Course participation is free of charge for participants.
- The training course is conducted on-line, in English.
- The deadline for the submission of applications is: March 21th, 2022. Notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent by March 23th, 2022 at the latest.
- A certificate of attendance will be issued at the end of the course
Participants can register by completing the required documents and submitting them via e-mail to Beata Wojcik at bwojcik@gig.eu with a copy to Boguslaw Michalik at bmichalik@gig.eu
Required documents
- Brief CV
- Application (Registration) Form
Contact and Information
Boguslaw Michalik
Place Gwarkow 1, 40-166 Katowice, Poland
Phone: +48-32-259-2380